In the evening walk, we went through the streets of the city. As we had time until city small train will start operating and we will see night city sceneries with a million of lights, children used to play hide-and-seek. In the background, my beloved husband is sitting and waiting for children to get tired. But it wasn’t so quickly, so I had plenty of time to take photos like this one. It’s our usual family portrait: Children are playing, dad is waiting and I’m taking photos.
Pri večernej prechádzke sme blúdili uličkami mesta.Keďže sme mali čas,kým nastane večera my pojdeme jazdiť vláčikom ponad miliónmi svetielok vysvietené mesto,tak sme sa krátili chvíle schovávačkou.v pozadí sedí môj milovaný manžel a čaká,kedy ich to omrzí.Nuž tak rýchlo ich to neomrzelo a ja som mala čas ich pri tom zvečniť.Je to náš klasický rodinný portrét:Deti sa šantia,tatko čaká a ja fotím.