+421 910 306 352 gabriela@teplicka.com
Taký bežný,taký reálny a častý príbeh.

KEď hra sa premení na úraz .Keď jeden sa zraní na tele a ten druhý na duši. Ktroá boleť je väčšia? Krv zastavíme,nos ošetríme.A čo duša?Peťkovi bolo ľúto,že zranil sestru.Že zlyhal.Že urobil niečo zlé.Čo s tým?Ako toto ošetríme?AKo skoro sa toto zahojí?Aká jazva ostane?

The power of the childhood
Such a common, such a real and frequent story.
When the game turns into an accident.
When one is injured in the body and the other in the soul.
What hurts more?
We stop the blood, nose is treated.
What about the soul?
Peter was sorry that he did hurt his sister.
He was sorry that he did fail, that he did something wrong.
What about that? How do we handle this? How do we heal this? What about scars on soul?